Trademark Protection in Vietnam I Trademark Protection in Laos Trademark Protection in Cambodia I Trademark Protection in Myanmar
- The identity of the Assignor and Assignee (full name and address);
- Full name, address and nationality of the applicant;
- Description of the trademark: meaning, colors claimed, translation or transliteration of the characters into English if the trademark includes characters in other languages;
- List of goods, services to be covered by the trademark and if possible, class(es) of the respective goods/ services according to the International Classification.
- A Special Power of Attorney executed by the applicant.
(This document must be duly notarized, authenticated and endorsed by the Myanmar Embassy/Myanmar Consulate or Representative of the Government of the Union of Myanmar in the applicant country) (to be provided);
A Declaration of Ownership executed by the applicant. (This document just need to be signed by the one who had signed the special power of attorney previously) (to be provided);
08 specimens of the trademark (with the size not larger than 80mm x 80mm and not smaller than 15mm x 15mm);
Certified priority documents for claiming priority (if any).
For more information concerning trademark protection in Myanmar, please click to the desired section in the above menu or contact us.